Tag: slinkachu

Posting bubbles

(I dropped my iphone into these bubbles after this photo was taken…) Delightedly taking part in a project with Eden Arts. Artweb – with folks from a variety of secondary Eden schools. Here’s a link to another of mine: http://theartweb.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/office-politics.html?m=1 They have done some absolutely brilliant work, which will be exhibited at the Soup Shop in Penrith in mid-Feb. if…

CSI @ She Just Popped

She Just Popped CSI in action again. “She was such a bubbly character,” beside the waterfall. She “just popped” according to witnesses, and CSI are called in to analyse and examine the residue clues. I posted this is we make the long journey from our tiny village in Cumbria to the Olympics in London! I should have brought the But…